Sam Storms writes in his book, The Hope of Glory: "There's simply no escaping the centrality of love in the community of God's people." (p. 271)
He is quoting Colossians 3:14 where it concludes: "...put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony."
He explains that 'perfect harmony' conveys the meaning of maturity or completeness.
He expounds that Paul is saying "that love is the grace or power that holds all the others [virtues] together." He calls it "spiritual lubricant', 'glue that unites....', and 'the mortar that holds...'
He concludes, "it isn't so much the virtues of individual Christians" that bind us together as unique and different as we are, but it is the power of the affection that does! (p. 272, 273)
He is quoting Colossians 3:14 where it concludes: "...put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony."
He explains that 'perfect harmony' conveys the meaning of maturity or completeness.
He expounds that Paul is saying "that love is the grace or power that holds all the others [virtues] together." He calls it "spiritual lubricant', 'glue that unites....', and 'the mortar that holds...'
He concludes, "it isn't so much the virtues of individual Christians" that bind us together as unique and different as we are, but it is the power of the affection that does! (p. 272, 273)