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Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Art of Receiving

"So many of My children limp through their lives starved for Love, because they haven't learned the art of receiving."  (p. 283, Jesus Calling, Sarah Young)

We must learn to not only give love, but also to receive it.
Receiving is a discipline as well as giving.
Maybe the reason you do not have love, or feel love, is because you are not open to receive it.
Discipline yourself to receive, as well as to give.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Love Overcomes Fear

As I listened to Gary Haugen address a crowd in Nashville, Tennessee, for his wonderful group, International Justice Mission, his words hit me.  He explained to do the work he does to help free people from oppression, you need a "love that overcomes fear."  The people he liberates live in fear.
The people working to free them, need a love that overcomes not only their fears, but also the people they are working for.  It takes love to overcome fear to propel us to action.  He explained, "Love doesn't make is disproportionate and tedious."   It takes work to show love for people who don't even know there is a way, there is hope.  It takes us coming out of our comfort to help them be comfortable.  Thank you not only for your words Gary, but also your works.  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Book of Love

"The book of love is long and boring..." that's what it says...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Love is Energy

"Love is energy of life." So said Robert Browning.

Let love energize your life for what is important, not insignificant.
Let love give you energy to do your greatest works yet, think your finest thoughts, perform your most heroic deeds.
Let your heart swell with love as it generates new forms of energy for living and loving.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


"Zeal for the truth must be balanced by love for people. Truth without love has no decency; it's just brutality. On the other hand, love without truth has no character; it's just hypocrisy. So says John MacArthur in Twelve Ordinary Men. He goes on to say, "their lack of love cripples the power of the truth they profess..." He says, "If you pursue anything in the spiritual realm, pursue a perfect balance of truth and love. Know the truth and uphold it in love." He explains, "this balance of truth and love as the very pinnacle of spiritual maturity." He concludes, "love is what real truth is ultimately all about." (p. 106, 107)