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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

A Powerful & Prevalent Passion

"Love is that powerful and prevalent passion, by which all the faculties and inclinations of the soul are determined, and on which both its perfection and happiness depend."

p. 37 (ebook)
The Life of God in the Soul of Man
Henry Scougal
17th Century

Monday, June 20, 2016

To see the think the best ...and to treat them that way...

"To love someone is to see the best in them and to act toward them as though they they were the best...To treat them with respect and love is to call them to be worthy of that respect and that love.  And we can say that to love someone is not to avoid seeing their flaws, but to avoid so focusing on them that the person gets a feeling of hopelessness about changing them."

p. 233 (ebook)
Eric Metaxas
If You Can Keep It

In this book, Eric Metaxas is writing about our country.  But he also teaches us not only about our history but how to truly love.  Whether we love a country or a person, love needs focus and attention. And not on the things that are wrong or lacking, but on what is right and true.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How do you salute?

"Love...consists in this, that two solitudes protect and border and salute each other."
-poet Rainer Maria Rilke
(p. 59, Letters to a Young Poet)