Dallas Willard continues to amaze me with his teachings. This time in Renovation of the Heart:
"Love is not a feeling, or a special way of feeling, but the divine way of relating to others and oneself that moves through every dimension of our being and restructures our world for good."
(page 183)
In his footnotes on this (page 264), he attributes this concept to Charles Finney in his Lectures on Systematic Theology. Who would have thought this thought came from a theology book! He continues to expound on this by saying, "to most people, to love someone now means to be prepared to approve of their desires and decisions and to help them fulfill them...to love people means to favor what is good for them and to be prepared to help them toward that..."
Willard is simply expressing that love is more determination and action than feeling. Feelings may be a part of it or a response to it. But, it seems to be a mental shift in favor for the other person, instead of self centeredness.
"Love is not a feeling, or a special way of feeling, but the divine way of relating to others and oneself that moves through every dimension of our being and restructures our world for good."
(page 183)
In his footnotes on this (page 264), he attributes this concept to Charles Finney in his Lectures on Systematic Theology. Who would have thought this thought came from a theology book! He continues to expound on this by saying, "to most people, to love someone now means to be prepared to approve of their desires and decisions and to help them fulfill them...to love people means to favor what is good for them and to be prepared to help them toward that..."
Willard is simply expressing that love is more determination and action than feeling. Feelings may be a part of it or a response to it. But, it seems to be a mental shift in favor for the other person, instead of self centeredness.