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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Enough said

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn in his best selling book, The Book of Mysteries, challenges us ~

"Make your life a gift of love."

(Day 276)

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Keys to Love & Life

"...the key to life is love;

the key to love is self-sacrifice;

and the key to self-sacrifice is the surrender of our own will
[in order to do the will of the Father]."

Anthony DeStefano stated this in contemplating the centrality of the cross.

The cross is a picture of love.
The cross is a picture of sacrifice.
The cross is a picture of giving up your life for another and your will for God's will.

How are you loving today?
How are you sacrificing your will and your way today?
How are you doing God's will today for something bigger than yourself?

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Remember and Remind

Euguene Peterson, the great writer of The Message Bible said,
"To remember God is to have to live strenuously, vigorously, and in love."
If we remember where we came from and where we are going, and our mission in-between, we will remember to live and to love!  Do you remember?  How can you remind yourself?

Friday, June 12, 2020

How do you apologize?

"Love is the greatest apologetic."  So said a great apologist, Ravi Zacharias.
Apologist sounds like a person who makes an apology.
In actuality it is anyone who makes a defense of the faith, explains beliefs.
So our greatest way to show and defend our faith is by loving.
#Thank you Ravi!

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Willing to be willing

Dick Halverson, former Chaplin to the U.S. Senate described love this way:

"Love literally means to will the best for another."

You simply have to ask yourself, am I more concerned for myself or for others?

Keep willing to will the best for others, not just yourself.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Intention to Love

If we have to pay attention to love, we also must have an intention to love.
Attention with Intention can lead to greater noticing and deeper intention.
If love is the goal, what are we doing to get us there?

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Attention to Love

Dallas Willard said, "The overarching command is to love, and the first act of love is always attention."

What are you paying attention to?
Who do you love?  Have you noticed them lately?  Really notice...

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Don't be left with regret, live with love!

I read an article by Lydia Sohn, on how she interviewed older people about their lives, what they regretted, and what they advised.  I found it interesting when she asked someone, "Do you wish you accomplished more?"  His response was, "No, I wished I loved more."  Learn the lesson now.  Don't live with regret, live with love!


Monday, June 1, 2020

I now understand why we had to be COMMANDED TO LOVE

I started this blog to remind myself (and others) of the responsibility to love.
I now realize with the current events (George Floyd's death) why God COMMANDED US TO LOVE.  We must love.  Our natural bend is to hate, judge, compare.  If it were not for His command, we would have no imperative to love.  We would just naturally hate.  We need love.  The alternative is to bleak.
So God commanded us to love.  This command is for our good and for our neighbor.

Matthew 22:39  - LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR