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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Failing Love

"Why do so many seem to love so poorly?" That's what the authors of Bold Love posed on p. 43 of their book. There you have it, the question we should all be asking. If love is so important, why do we fail so much, or try so little? The authors, Allender & Longman, postulate: "If we want to learn to love, we must first face the extent of our hatred for God and others." (ibid)

Now, there's a hard question. Is there a hatred, distance from God, and also from others?

We must face our darkness, to be able to turn to the light and the love.

It may not come naturally, we may need to slay some deep seated absence of love (hatred) in our own hearts.

Further in the book, the authors pose: "I am constrained by His presence to love or at least to anguish over my failure to love..." (p. 85)

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