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Sunday, August 16, 2009

"We must love each other"

1 John 3:11 says, "We must love each other." I think we have failed to hear this compulsion and we are paying the price to miss the "sell." It goes on to say we shouldn't be like Cain, who killed his brother. It expounds by explaining he killed him because what his brother did was good. Not only do we not love people because we are jealous, but we also go further and ignore them, criticize them, and yes, even murder them in our hearts. They are dead to us. Or, would it be more exacting to say we are dead to them. Something in us dies before that. Later in that chapter it tells us we have have left death and come into life - BECAUSE we love each other (verse 14). If we don't love, we are left in death. Rise to life today, Love! And give life to others as you pass love onto them.

1 comment:

  1. Another theme in my life....John 15 -- Love is a fruit of the Spirit, which is able to grow only when all parts of the "vine" are connected. We must be abiding in God's love for us (which is another part of the responsibility - we have to make time for God to love us), in order to share a REAL and AUTHENTIC love with others -- the kind of love that only comes from Christ. We can love because we have been loved, and we can forgive because we have been forgiven.

    Love you Dixie. Thank you for abiding in God's love, so that you have love to share.
